On a Journey . . .

I'm traveling the world one song at a time.

I've visited places and heard songs on the radio stations there. Before I knew it, I had tunes stuck in my head from artists whose names I don't know and whose lyrics I may not understand. And when my pen pal from New Zealand made a mixed CD of some of his favorite Kiwi tunes this past year, I was once again lost in a world of music from singers I've never heard before and whose CDs aren't sold in the States.

So I'm learning that there are tons of artists out there whose sounds and lyrics I really dig. These songs aren't necessarily all classified in the genre of "world music," but they are music from all around the world.

So I've decided to go on a journey through this blog, hearing the world through song and creating little "mixed tape" lists along the way. Each entry will feature either a new artist or a new country with a list of songs that I discovered and really liked while learning more about the popular music choices in different parts of the world. If you have artists or specific songs you think I should check out, post them in the comments section, and I'll have a listen.

Thanks for joining my experiment . . .


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